Town Shop
Located on 188 King St, the Town Charity Shop is one the main provider of funds for the CDDF to distribute to various projects and events.
Please bring your unwanted brick a brack to the Charity shop and it will be put to good use and sold to the general public to help fund future projects.
We thank all the volunteers who are involved in this very worthwhile project for the community.
Winter Opening times 10am – 3pm
Summer Opening times 10am – 4pm

Manager – Olivia Armstrong:
‘I have managed the Town Shop for about 4 years. I started as a volunteer about two years earlier. I love working in the shop. I have met so many lovely people and have a good relationship with the Town.’
‘At the heart of the shop is good customer service and the community. I could not achieve this without my volunteers. The shop could not run without them. It is very much team effort. The volunteers are all exceptional people who support myself and the shop.‘
‘The shop receives many Donations. When you open a box or a bag we never know what treasure we will find. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of local people and the support the shop receives.’